

Luckily I checked my online class page during lunch at work today. Our teacher had made an announcement reminding us that we had a couple of papers due by midnight. The assignment was kind of tucked away in an inconspicuous folder about writing assignments, and I just didn't see it! But, they were easy little papers, a personal history, and one about three important events from the year we were born. I picked Sandra Day O'Connor being name a Supreme Court Justice (it IS a Women and History class...needed that in there.) MTV being launched, and the official recognition of AIDS as a real and threatening disease.

A cousin of mine died of AIDS. He was Karen's brother. He would come from Durham to Carolina Beach to visit my mom and they would play scrabble together. He brought a picture album once of a Halloween party he went to. I remember seeing a man in chaps with his butt cheeks hanging out. They caught me going back to look at it a few times and they laughed. I was about 6. But that's how I know my mom was open minded and accepting, she LOVED him, and he would come visit and like I said, play scrabble and just hang out.

It feels good to be back in school again. I wrote my little papers and felt good about them. There's something wrong with me. Really. No, I like to write gosh darn it. I like for people to know what I think, and to communicate it in written form. That's ok. It's really ok. I'm not a bad person for it.

Shameful Confession of the Day:
I farted in the Controlled Document Room at work, when anyone could have walked right in behind me and 100% known it was me. I giggled at it and felt better.

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