
I like your face kid...

I might just move to Stockholm.


Pack in the fun--Owwww!

This has been a fun weekend. I totally screwed up going into work Saturday, but I had a really fun time, and I haven't had that in a while. On Friday, Jennifer, Tori, and I had some dinner at Jason's Deli, then we decided to hit Legends that night. Jennifer and I went home to "prep" while Tori did the same. We met up at Tori's and hit the road. I like that club because there's no pressure. I guess I figure that no one is looking at me as someone to possibly get with, so I'm not being judged. The latter might not be true, but as long as I believe it anyway and it makes me comfortable, who cares?
There was a drag show, which had an American Idol theme. It was really entertaining. That's the best word to describe it. T, J, and I were up on a sort of platform above the stage/dance floor. There were a few guys beside me (VERY gay-and that's okay), and one reminded me of a friend I made while I was in Greenville, Dail. D is from Brazil, and is currently there. So I miss him dearly. I told the guy he reminded me of him, but he said he was from Mexico. When the drag queen was performing to a particularly snappy song, he started dancing on me like I was a pole! It was so fun, he was just like my friend Dail. His name was Lalo. Maybe I'll run into him again, I need a good GBF. His accent is cute. He looks American, maybe Italian. I would have never guessed he was from Mexico.
Saturday J and I went to Sandling Beach at Falls Lake. We got a little bit of sun, but didn't burn thank goodness. The water goes from up to your toes, to at least 6 feet, so there is a good range for everyone. It was rather nice, a diverse group of people.
It has just been a nice weekend. We've found ways to entertain ourselves, without having to spend gobs of money.
I think J and I are going to try to go camping at some point, around Falls Lake. If anyone wants to join, the more the merrier!



The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.


Shooting Myself in the Foot

Well I'd just about do it right now, my foot is welted like a pickle from mosquillaz (mosquitos with the size and veracity of Godzilla.) I had fun at the lake and the beach over the 4th of July weekend. Jennifer's little brother is so very prophetic. Last time I was visiting Jennifer I told him about a seagull we saw at the beach who only had one leg. We told him how it hopped around and flew just fine, like all of the other seagulls. We were giggling at the thought of it all, but he kept a serious face, pensive with thought. Finally he said "It was missing a leg? It must have been in the war." A sign of our times. He's seven years old.

Here are some things that I do that seem like time wasters, unnecessary frustrators, and counterproductive. (I like to make bullet lists---that's not one of the things though)
  • Not opening the package of toilet paper enough, so that I struggle with trying to get a big roll of TP out of a small opening in what one would think would be weak plastic packaging. Not so.
  • Not ripping the packets of ketchup enough, therefore making them squirt like severed arteries onto my clothing, or other people's clothing.
  • Only putting 10 dollars of gas in my vehicle, not because I don't have enough money to fill it up, but because I just don't feel like standing there for 35 dollars worth.
    (and we all know the last half of the tank goes fastest!)
Oh snap it is time for sleep. Must make some bulleted lists later.