
Busy time of year....

for entering sweepstakes!!!

That's right, as of right now there are 1,178 contests listed on my friendly sweepstakes site that are to expire on December 31st, 2005. Of course I won't enter ALL of these; I'm not a greedy sweeper. I won't enter for the Maxis Pull-It 1000 cable puller-ARV $385 because I just can't see myself putting it to good use, and some man in his late fifties who lives in Minnesota might really want it.

Now, prizes like iPods, Sephora giftcards, anything dealing with NYC, books, music, movies, or toilet paper, (yes Virginia, you can win ANYTHING--click it) I'm all over like policemen in New Orleans on non-threatening drunk men who couldn't pop an overblown balloon if they tried. Or, white on rice, if that makes more sense.

So, don't expect to hear much out of me until the new year, when I've come down off my contest entering high (don't worry I won't supply a picture.) I won't even write an entry about how this year has grown plump with stories of travel, romance, and intrigue. I'll leave all that in the past, as it should be. I will only look to the future, and how many prizes there are out there for me to grab.

Vote for Clementines. They're deeee-licious!


The land of no Seasons

Me and Scott at the Cardinal Holiday Party.
One of us is wine drunk.
Hint: it's not me.

Another picture of La Jolla that I had but didn't share before.
I think.

Bonfire Saturday night. A little too big to roast marshmallows.
A boat parade that swam by. They were decorated with Christmas lights and some even blared out music.

Post holiday party hotel room hi-jinks.
Sober pregnant Amy and drunk pregnant Victor.
Victor is not Amy's baby daddy, her husband is. We don't know who Victor's baby daddy is....

Scooter keeping tabs on the bonfire.


Weekend with humans I know!!

Dark but cute roomie shot!
Balboa Park December Nights

Saber Tooth Tiger
Museum of Man-Balboa Park

Organ Theater
Balboa Park

Bikes at the Automotive Museum-Balboa Park

(with hot apple cider and Mexican sweetbread)

Tori's car-the DeLorean

Something to look forward to...

I like this color.

One of 51 Tuckers ever made!

Late 19th Century "mechanical bicycle."

Cool paint job.

Scooter getting in the way of the cruise ship.

Bikes, bikes, and more bikes.
Vrrroooommmm! Vroom.

Another good color, great shine.

View of downtown San Diego from Coronado Island.

Neat nymph/faerie like statue near Seaport Village.


Scotty sporting his new green track jacket at Seaport Village.
Who does he think he is, Rivers Cuomo?

Pretty-from Seaport Village.

Fortune tellers were scattered along this area of Seaport Village.

Palm tree headdress at a Seaport Village Restaurant.

Looks like a shiny new Marriott.