

Is there a theme developing in my blog? A newfound love for a town (city?) in my own North Carolina? Should I change my blog to IlikeCarylights? As exciting as that seems, probably not. I'm just experiencing the joys of living in a new town. I didn't make such a distinction in my head because it's not like I had never been to Cary before; it's not far from my previous residence. Still, I am discovering and observing new things constantly.

I had always wondered where over 100,000 people were kept stashed in Cary (perhaps where they keep all the wild animals.) Actually, I now understand that spaces that appear to be plots of empty vegetated land are scads of domiciles hidden by a thin layer of greenery between the community and the adjoining road. This is foolery, but I am okay with it because I like green. I also like lots of people being around, so it works out.

As autumn moves in and the leaves begin to fall, I suppose I will notice more houses and less trees. Finally, exposed suburbia, traced in naked branches.

I do enjoy having the train nearby. Feeling everything rumble around me and hearing the siren voice of the engine lets me know that things are as they should be. We are humans, moving on the earth, transporting goods. I imagine what things are in the trains roaring by, and sometimes I imagine what it would sound like if a car were on the track. Not often, I think only with the trains carrying heavier loads; I sense them before they arrive and long after they've passed. As I hear the train get closer and closer, I can't help it. It just sounds like it's aiming at something with fierce umbrage, and when I don't hear a crash or an explosion I am of course relieved, but also a little disappointed. The noise of an oncoming train has the sound of something building up, like a sneeze or an orgasm. When nothing happens, I feel cheated and unsatisfied. I don't want anyone to get hurt or there to be any damage done, but a train is quite the tease. There should be something else, like an exclamation point, that will appease my desire for a locomotive climax.

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