
Dream Junkie

So I dreamt that I was on the Coronado Bridge, and all exits headed towards New York City. I was far left when I realized that the last exit was for New Jersey. I was able to swerve over and catch a NYC exit because there were no other cars. There were no obstructions, by the ways of machines or people or weather. I was queen of the road, and I knew exactly where I wanted to go.
When I woke up my first thought was, what a geographically impossible idea! But, then I realized how metaphorically, it was a lesson in history and prediction for the future. Here's the breakdown:
  • I had nothing or no one behind me on the Coronado Bridge. That signified San Diego. Although I know I could never really leave San Diego on the Coronado Bridge, in my mind I knew I was.
  • I almost went to New Jersey, but didn't. This is the history. I almost went to New Jersey, but didn't.
  • When I did decide to go to New York, it was a smooth easy ride, and no one or nothing was stopping me. I'd like to think that this is a prediction for the future.
So, what fun really is it to explain dreams to other people? None, except for the dreamer. It's the one thing I can think of that only the self sees. The place I saw in my dream doesn't exist, no one else has been there or seen it. I can't explain how that is exciting to me, but it is; especially since it seemed like a personal journey. It's one I've already taken, am currently on, and have yet to finish.


I think the desk Feng Shui works. I have teals, reds, and yellows tactically placed for positive change. The day I placed them, a couple of weeks ago, I got good news. I know it's been hard for my Amy dear because the teal jelly beans are on the far corner of the desk. But, when the Feng has done it's Shui-ing I'm sure they'll be highly accessible to her.

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