This is concrete proof that really smart people can be crazy. An astronaut is accused of attempted murder through a series of strange events involving a love sad. The most ironic part of the story is that the accused, Lisa Marie Nowak, has to wear a GPS monitor while she's free on $15,500 bond.
How many people have said that they want to be an astronaut when they grow up? A lot. How many people actually do it? Not so many. This woman was up there, out there, into the great beyond, and comes back to earth and gets loco over a man? Another astronaut? Maybe I should start watching the on-board camera feeds. Seems like there is more going on than floating space-ice cream and undulating water bubbles for zero gravity entertainment.
How many people have said that they want to be an astronaut when they grow up? A lot. How many people actually do it? Not so many. This woman was up there, out there, into the great beyond, and comes back to earth and gets loco over a man? Another astronaut? Maybe I should start watching the on-board camera feeds. Seems like there is more going on than floating space-ice cream and undulating water bubbles for zero gravity entertainment.

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