
Grilling Blackberry Tumors

No luck on finding lost quarters near the vending machine. I haven't been searching hardcore or anything, just take a glance when I do get in there. There has been a penny in the parking lot at home, but it's heads down so I haven't touched it.

Along the walk to my car, my boss pointed out a patch of blackberries. We grabbed a handful and ate them as dessert for lunch. It brought back stained memories of childhood when my friends and I would invade a wild blackberry patch that took up a whole block. We got buckets full.
They're beautiful, red ones not yet ripened look as if they will burst if you look at them too long. The black ones are so deep in color, but are very sweet, and even a little cool despite the sun beating on them.

I think I'd like to concentrate my efforts on winning a grill. . . before the summer is over.

New neighbors didn't take a liking to the way Tumor Joe peed on their tires (the car is so ghettofabulous and is the COLOR of pee anyway, who would have known?) So, luckily he was able to move to a farm with some friends of our immediate neighbors, so he won't be put down. I will miss Tumor Joe. But, I'm sure he's happy on that free open land.

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