Me and Scott at the Cardinal Holiday Party.
One of us is wine drunk.
Hint: it's not me.

Another picture of La Jolla that I had but didn't share before.
I think.

Bonfire Saturday night. A little too big to roast marshmallows.
A boat parade that swam by. They were decorated with Christmas lights and some even blared out music.

Post holiday party hotel room hi-jinks.
Sober pregnant Amy and drunk pregnant Victor.
Victor is not Amy's baby daddy, her husband is. We don't know who Victor's baby daddy is....
Scooter keeping tabs on the bonfire.
I love those pictures! I lmao at the Victor thing hehehe... He is kind of goofy looking. I hate to say it and please don't get mad,but you and Scott look like a real couple. :)
All opinions expressed in this comment where solely mine and do not reflect the opinion of this blog owner or Anyone in the photos.
Sorry for the offence taken. I did not mean it maliciously.
Whatever, it's really really GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I don't give a rat's ass if I offend anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I don't give a rat's ass if these get deleted!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't care so much, why do you post anonymously.
Furthermore, if you consider yourself a friend or fan of this blogger...why are you acting so maliciously in later posts? You seem to be taking things too personally.
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