They're not dead-I thought so too.

There's a seal in there, I promise. And a bit of seaweed or other random natural floating phenomenon.

This pelican was like the Godfather. That little one behind his tail never left, even when all the others flew away. They must have some odd connection. Or the little one owes the pelican favors...

I like that this one dude is hanging out on this bit of wood on his own. It makes me think of the skyscraper men eating sandwiches on a beam over the city.

Maybe the little one is a lookout. He takes that whole "I've got your back Mr. Pelican" thing seriously I suppose....

Snazzy color variations on this rock. That bird is suspicious looking. I bet it's leaving a dropping. Shy little thing.

I'd like to try this while I'm here. But not near the seals--they're awfully cute, but they're awfully smelly, and have awfully yellow substances that spew from their bloated bodies.

Neat lifeguard call box.

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