

Terry mentioned something about Chernobyl last night, which resulted in me landing at this site: Chernobyl Ghost Town It takes you on a tour of a few odd miles through towns near the atomic plant. At the end of each page is a link to the next which brings you closer and closer to the eerie point of destruction. I clicked on each link with caution, expecting to see something I really didn't want to. In reality, I probably didn't want to see any of it. I am one of those (un)fortunate people who live with a dichotomous intrigue of the macabre, while being uncommonly squeamish.

I told Terry I would probably have a bad dream because of this tour. I did. I dreamt of pictures of radiated bodies, whatever those would look like. It affected me. It did in the same way visiting the Holocaust Museum did. I couldn't help but know that innumerable humans were killed, painfully, and that it would affect our civilization for generations to come.
Describing my dream will help no one. But, checking out this page might change your perspective a little bit. Take the time to read as well as look at the pictures; powerful images, equally powerful commentary.

I also dreamt, hopefully in a separate sequence, that once again, I was in New York. I was in a scarf shop for a good amount of time with a girl I've never seen. But I liked her. Also, (Tori I think this is because of our Dipping Dots experience) I dreamt that sherbet makes your boobs grow. The lady serving it said "makes the ta-tas grow big" in an eastern european accent and made big breast gestures with her arms and hands. I think it was a combination of tasting Tori's sherbet Dipping Dots, and our pregnant Chinese PhD temp in DCU wanting to take us all to Hooters for lunch before she goes out on maternity leave.

I made a couple of Mix CDs for Scott a little while ago. It was fun. Since he will be hanging out with his Ohio friends next week and not enslaved in the confines of Cardinal, he'll have plenty of time to check them out. I hope he likes them. I didn't put what songs were on them or who they are by. Is that not nice? I like the element of surprise.....

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