The Scoop: The flusher in the upstairs bathroom has been fairly fickle recently. Its chain has been loose, slipping off the handle arm and rendering it useless. As many potty jokes as I make, and even though I know that the water in the tank is "clean", sticking my hand in the tank to grab the chain is like my own personal Fear Factor episode. The discoloration from years of city water, and bubbly growths of calcium clinging here and there, to use one of Amy's terms, skeeves me out.
The handle lay limp and flushless the day before Scott was to leave for Ohio. He takes care of spiders, I take care of bugs, he takes care of toilet malfunctions, I take care of the dishes (well I claim to.) It's a nice balance of power we have established; one does things that the other considers loathsome, and no one has to do anything that makes them squirm. In his excitement about his upcoming trip, the toilet didn't get that special Scotty attention. I understand, no problem.
Who knows when the lever arm broke. And it did just that, broke right off; it died of old age I believe, peacefully in the night. We needed a new handle and lever for normal flushing to continue...what's a toilet tank phobic girl to do? Head to Lowe's!
Someone helped me find what I needed and for less than two dollars, I was in business. As a bonus, I really had to pee when I got home; even more motivation to get over my qualms and get the job done. With a few deep breaths and a phone call to one of my tough guy friends, I was ready.
Here are some photos of my porcelain adventure:
Location: Upstairs bathroom.
(Yes-Installing the towel holders I got at Ikea is next on my list)
The culprit
(Yes, that is one of the aforementioned Ikea Towel holders resting on the tank lid.)
It's cute how strong I think I am.
(note the ucky calcium buildups--gag!)
But I needed a little help from Mr. Red Handles here.....
Thanks for your help Marshall. I appreciate your interest, but this is a woman's job.
It works!
The creepy aftermath.
Although I have gained confidence in matters of plumbing, and look forward to future projects, I don't think I'll be changing my mind about spiders anytime soon.