The sleeping pills I take have not only the effect of drunkenness but they produce vivid out there dreams.
Last night I was in Paris. I had really good hair and the bathroom in the hotel was stocked like its name was Sephora. I was with some high profile person. I mentioned that it would be nice to just drop everything and move there. She said "done", to go enjoy myself for a few days and everything would be taken care of for me. I went to a grocery store and I think Theran was with me. We were hungry and our tour guide got some pizza for us. I said "You won't find pizza like this anywhere else but Sicily and New York City." I then went to a checkout line and found a disposable camera for only four dollars! I only had 60 dollars for the whole trip, so I was excited. I talked with the cashier about double taxes, and the coinage came from two different automatic change machines.
Summer school is a lot of work. My pschology class is only 5 weeks long, so that will move really quickly. Geology is a lot of work, but I should do well since I took it at ECU.
A guy asked for my number a couple of weeks ago. This was the first time someone has asked for my number (only about the 3rd time altogether) that I wasn't creeped out by the guy. I was actually thinking how good looking he was, so it was really surprising. Jennifer and I had gone to IHOP downtown. She is some sort of magnet for crackies. One that had asked us for money on our way in was still hanging around my vehicle when we got ready to leave. So I asked the cashier guy to walk us out. He obliged. A little chit chat and at the end he said "Next time you come back I'll get your phone number?" I saved myself a trip and told him I'd give it to him right then. I met an Eqyptian at the International House of Pancakes. I wonder what an Eqyptian pancake looks like anyhow.
Everyone who knows me knows I love a good contest. This site, Blingo, is backed by Google. It's a search engine. About every hour they give out prizes like Ipods, gift cards, and movie tickets randomly to people searching. They also have a friends program. For instance, when I won a free movie ticket, the person who referred me also won one. So, if you want to join, good luck!! :)
I am not my normal self at this moment. I am a non-nauseated drunk. My mouth is hanging slightly open, not drooling mind you. If I move my arms any great distance, I don't know it until I've touched something other than the place where the arm was before I moved it. This surprises me, to have this arm I don't remember moving touch me in another place. It's all sort of astral.
Theran moved out of the Rochelle/Dycus household not long after she arrived because she found love on the information superhighway....exit red white and blue road. I worry for her safety back in dem theer wuds. But hopefully she will be ok.
Terry, Geoff's friend from school has taken her room. It is quite odd having another man here besides Tommy, but I feel ok enough to sleep well at night. Pills help too. I have not been paid in over a month (it's on its way they say), but I have a hefty supply of pills. I won't name names, but they work. And I like them.
I go back to work Monday. It will be interesting how work and the pills get along. I'm ready to go back though.
I got a tattoo, a small one. It's something personal. It didn't make sense to the tattoo artist, and a bunch of other people. It's just something I wanted. It's a little solid black star about the size of an eraser tip on the inside of my left wrist. I didn't regret it for one second until I looked in a People or US magazine or something two weeks after the fact and saw about 3 celebrities with similar incarnations of my highly personal choice of body art. Oh well. I felt unique for a few days anyhow. I want to get another one, a bit bigger. Maybe I will draw it up myself or something.
Jennifer is on a life quest. I'm proud of her. She might be coming to stay here in Durham soon. Terry is on a life quest right now too, when he has found the answer, that room will be open for Jennifer to have. I'm a selfish Virgo and like having my own room/bed. She knows this, and she probably wants her own room and bed as well. I am excited about her REALLY going out on her own, solo, and finding herself. She's had a lot of new experiences since her breakup. I know she wouldn't have been able to without breaking away from what had before been comfortable with as her life. Even talking to her she sounds like a different person. It's not in a forced way that I can tell, she seems excited about life and all the things she can do. She will do a lot of exciting things too. I know she'll be scared sometimes out on her own adventuring, but she knows it will make her stronger and smarter. Like a crazy anime character! Jennifonachoopikka!! Charge forces!! ARRGGHHHGHHH!!!!
Terry is suppossed to supposedly going to be maybe trying to do low carb with me. It worked for me about this time last year, I just didn't stick with it. At least I haven't gained it back....which is suprising. It should be interesting.
I should get my Xterra back in like new condition around Tuesday. To rewind: on Cinco de Mayo a drunk driver hit me and TOOK OFF. I will highly hot. But no one (in my vehicle) got hurt, so that's the important thing. I've just been without a car for a week and a half. I know that what hit me was a smaller truck, like an S-10 or mazda type truck. It happened no more than a mile from my house, so I figure maybe they live around here too. I keep my eye out for a smashed up front end on trucks that fit the profile. I'm not sure if it would even run, they hit a few signs before they hit me. But if it does, I'd spot it. I don't know if I could do anything about it, legally. Probably not because it would be hard to prove it was actually them. But I can pretend it's really them and shoot them mean looks.